Suddenly Strong #1
Suddenly Strong #1
Female Muscle Growth sequences from Growth Comics! This big comic contains 85 pages of art depicting women getting bigger and stronger.
Female Muscle Growth sequences from Growth Comics! This big comic contains 85 pages of art depicting women getting bigger and stronger.
In the opening story, “Confidence Mirror,” sexy Mira lets her chubby, short friend Molly use a family artifact to build her confidence. It winds up building a lot more than that, though, as Molly’s soft belly quickly solidifies into a six-pack, even as she grows as tall as Mira. Like her abs, the rest of Molly’s body quickly becomes visibly muscled, as she overtops Mira in height. While Mira watches in dismay as Molly’s breasts outgrow her own, she’s oblivious to Molly’s bulging, bodybuilder physique until her friend flexes her swollen arm in front of her face!
In addition to “Confidence Mirror,” Suddenly Strong #1 includes “Toon Girl,””BabyBiceps,””Muscle Swap,” “Overdoing It!,” and a few short, untitled sequences.
Suddenly Strong #1 contains several styles of 3D rendered art and figures, including realistic, cartoonish, and what we might call “moderately impossible” – women who are a bit bigger than would be possible in real life.